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Dive Bar Tour

Discover Scottsdale’s Top Pubs with Our Exclusive Pub Tour! Join us for a journey through the best pubs in Scottsdale. This tour is a fantastic way to explore the city’s vibrant nightlife and meet new people. 1. Bells: We start at Bells, where modern meets tradition. Enjoy their signature drinks and warm up for a […]

Scottsdale Public Art & Walk Tour

We begin at the Waterfront in Scottsdale and walk a 1.5 mile tour of public art blended with some history of the area. Great for selfies, fun, and a quick drink stop if desired. Time for shopping after if you have the time. $12 per person if you want us to host a drink stop […]

Margarita Tour of Old Town Scottsdale

We start at our favorite Margarita Patio for education and sampling of 3-4 Southwest style margaritas. Sip and learn, then head out and search for some of the best Old Town Tastes. We design and customize this experiencefor your group. Includes guide and four southwest Margarita tasters, shared appetizers. This tour includes some famous places […]

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