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about us

We're a dedicated bunch of locals

We are facilitating you to discover e-biking for outdoor recreation and sustainable transportation while experiencing Scottsdale, Tempe, Phoenix or Flagstaff Arizona. Our expertise is in Recreation and the outdoors while helping participants enjoy the ride, view and renewed fitness through e-biking. Enjoy this tour with a recreation expert with vast experience in programs, adventure, and quality-of-life experiences. Todd is an expert in Recreation and a native of Scottsdale Arizona. He Teaches Leisure and Quality of Life at the local College and served six years on the Scottsdale Parks and Recreation Commission. At one time he worked at nearly all the parks in the Scottsdale system.

Who We are

We have range

Looking to explore and take in the sights? Join us! Whether you’re keen on delving into the local history of our parks and city or prefer to simply soak in the sights. Embark on a journey spanning 12-18 miles through Scottsdale, Tempe, and Phoenix with one of our tours. Your preferences guides our adventure!


We are proud

We take pride in our teaching of the bikes along with safety instruction from the guide. And, you won’t get lost with us as we know all the routes for the best ride of the day.  We also flex with paths based on the use of the day of the week. 

Our Promice

At AZ Rec Tours, we’re committed to providing safe, fun, and insightful adventures. Whether you’re cruising on an e-bike, sipping a margarita on our famous sipping tours, or exploring with our local art and history tours, we promise an experience that’s engaging, educational, and exciting.

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